Deliver defined outcomes for your clients with advisory fixed index annuities (“FIAs”), registered index-linked annuities (“RILAs”), and multi-year guaranteed annuities (“MYGAs”) on our fiduciary insurance + annuity marketplace. These solutions help protect clients against market risk and are designed for the way RIAs do business: commission free, billable, and easily connected to your advisor desktop.
Protected accumulation solutions on the RetireOne platform offer zero-commission options for protecting against portfolio losses. Guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing carrier.
For conservative clients nervous about market volatility, MYGAs, FIAs and fixed annuities protect clients against market losses so they can confidently keep their money working for them instead of sitting in cash.
FIAs protect against portfolio losses, and limit market participation via crediting strategies. RILAs offer a measure of protection against portfolio losses with opportunities for higher cap rates via their crediting strategies.